

We spend countless hours trying to think of a topic to blog about, then figuring out the right headline and patiently wait for the flood of readers which rarely ever happens because our readers cannot find the content that we have published.

The trick is to find our target audience wherever they are and bring them back to our blog. This means repackaging the blog post into different formats and publishing it on different platforms. This way you make the best use of your content and get the flood of traffic to your site.

Here are 8 Clever Ways To Triple Your Content Output (And Traffic)
1) Turn Blog Content Into An Infographic
2) Turn A Blog Post Into A Youtube Video
3) Turn Blog Posts Into Slide Decks
4) Turn Your Posts Into Audio
5) Turn Several Blog Posts Into A Whitepaper
6) Syndicate Existing Content On External Networks
7) Post Excerpts To Q&a Sites
8) Extend Existing Content With Interviews

By using the above methods you can easily increase the reach of your content and drive tons of new visitors back to your website or blog. h/t Image from

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